So in 2013 (at 27) I created a bucket list for my 20's. On August 14th 2015 my 20's will be over and I will be will officially receive my grown woman card. Of the nine things on the bucket list for my 20's (See below) I've only done 3 of them (on the right)
I don't feel that bad about not achieving all these goals as I started the list in my late 20's and they were indeed pretty ambitious with only had the 2 years to complete them.
Now that I'm about to hit 30 I've realized that my priorities have changed and some of the things on the list of my 20's no longer interest me. As a grown woman I have the right to change my mind. I do look forward to a new set of goals (and perhaps transferring one or two over from the 20's list into the 30's) However, the linchpin of these new goals will be to actually achieve them! What's on your list for this decade of your life? #BucketList for my 30's #comingsoon
BUCKET LIST FOR MY 20's in no particular order:
1) Go Scuba diving
2) Visit The Great Wall of China
3) Improve my Spanish
4) Pick grapes in a vineyard
5) Visit the Grand Canyon
6) Milk a cow
7) Shave my head
8) Sleep in a castle
9) Publish a novel
1) Pick grapes at a vineyard: Villa La Pietra, Italy 2013
2) Shave my head, 2013
3) Spend the night in a castle: Parador de Oropesa, Spain 2013